Infrastructure Deployment and Access

Keller and Heckman’s Telecommunications practice attorneys represent telecommunications and critical infrastructure companies, infrastructure-owning utilities, government entities, and fiber optic network providers that design, construct, and operate towers, poles, and dark fiber networks to be leased for a variety of wireless and fiber optic communications purposes.
We assist these infrastructure owning clients with navigating the regulatory approval processes of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), state and local governments, the National Environmental Policy Act, and the National Historic Preservation Act.
On behalf of clients, Keller and Heckman attorneys negotiate tower leases, shared use agreements, rights-of-way contracts, dark fiber agreements (IRUs, leases, and fiber swaps), lit fiber agreements, design build agreements, network operating agreements, interconnection agreements, collocation agreements, easements, plus many more telecommunications transactional matters.