Partners Katie Bond and Rick Stearns to Present at ACI Legal, Regulatory & Compliance Forum on Dietary Supplements

Keller and Heckman Partners Katie Bond and Rick Stearns will serve as panelists at the American Conference Institute’s (ACI) 11th Legal, Regulatory & Compliance Forum on Dietary Supplements, to be held June 28 – 29, 2023, in New York, New York.
Katie's panel, "Grappling with the Implications of the FTC’s New Health Products Claim Substantiation Guidance," will take a deep dive into what has changed from the FTC’s original 1998 guidance, what has stayed the same, and what the new Health Products Compliance Guidance will ultimately mean for industry going forward.
Rick’s panel, “The Latest on State Laws Impacting Dietary Supplement Packaging and Anticipating the Impact of the FTC’s Updated Green Guides,” will examine the proposed changes to the Green Guides and the impact that FTC’s contemplated rulemaking could have on environmental marketing claims.
For more information, including how to register, please click here.