Manesh Rath Quoted in Inside OSHA Article on OSHRC Heat-Danger Decisions
Manesh Rath Quoted in Inside OSHA Article on OSHRC Heat-Danger Decisions
Keller and Heckman Partner Manesh Rath was quoted in the Inside OSHA article, “OSHRC Heat-Danger Decisions Could Speed OSHA Standard, Attorney Says.” The article mentions Keller and Heckman’s March 22, 2023 OSHA 30/30, where Manesh discussed OSHA’s heat-danger rulemaking. “There are many who believe that the finalization of the rulemaking is now more imminent than it has ever been,” reported Manesh, in response to OSHRC’s two February decisions that scrapped four of five heat-exposure citations against USPS.
Manesh stated that employers should consider whether their industries could be targeted by the NEP and institute protocols for hot days, including more frequent breaks and availability of water and shade, as well as adding training programs. “I think those will be the basis on which OSHA will decide whether or not to issue citations,” said Manesh.
To read the full article, please click here (subscription required).