Azim Chowdhury Quoted in Vapor Voice Article "Storm Warning – Revised Guidance"
Azim Chowdhury Quoted in Vapor Voice Article "Storm Warning – Revised Guidance"
Azim Chowdhury was quoted in the Vapor Voice Article "Storm Warning – Revised Guidance." The article discusses the FDA revised guidance, published last April, called the "Listing of Ingredients in Tobacco Products" which the Tobacco and E-Vapor Practice had previously authored a blog post on here. The guidance is welcome news for the industry as companies will not have to submit for hardware components, making the listing submission requirements less onerous. Azim cautions, however, that "Manufacturers must also keep in mind that FDA's decision to temporarily exempt vapor hardware and finished deemed products components does not exempt these products from the FDA's premarket tobacco authorization (PMTA) requirements." To read the full article, click here.