Partners Ales Bartl, Hazel O’Keeffe, and Rachida Semail to Present at Food Contact Regulations Europe 2023

Keller and Heckman Partners Ales Bartl, Hazel O’Keeffe, and Rachida Semail will present at Food Contact Regulations Europe, to be held in Brussels and virtually on April 17 - 18, 2023. This annual conference provides regulatory updates impacting food contact materials in the EU and other jurisdictions around the world.
Rachida’s presentation, “Revision of the FCM legislation: where are we?” will kick off the conference by giving an update on the latest developments in the FCM legislative revision.
Ales’ presentation, “PFAS Restrictions,” will discuss main points of the proposal to restrict all PFAS, with specific focus on fluoropolymers.
Hazel will give a presentation on “The new recycled plastics regulation,” which will cover requirements for suitable vs. novel technologies, as well as challenges posed by the new regulation.
The conference is sponsored by Chemical Watch. For more information, including how to register, please click here.