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Speaking Engagement

David Ettinger Presented for a Simba Events Webinar on Plant-Based Meat

Wed, May 13, 2020
Person on a Zoom call
©2025 Keller and Heckman LLP

Keller and Heckman Partner David Ettinger presented, “Plant-based Food: Exciting Technology, but Don’t Overlook the Regulatory Considerations,” for a webinar on plant-based meat, organized by Food and Beverage Innovation Forum (FBIF) and hosted by Simba Events. The webinar focused on several other topics by other presenters including, “What should plant-based meat company do to start building brands and compete with giants?” and “Trend of International Alternative Protein Industry and China Revelation.”

A recording of the webinar is available below. Mr. Ettinger’s presentation is in English, the rest of the webinar is in Mandarin.