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Brussels Food Packaging Law Seminar

Wed, Mar 9, 2016
©2025 Keller and Heckman LLP

The Brussels Food Packaging Law Seminar is now sold out. Please click here to be added to the waitlist. 

 Keller and Heckman’s internationally-recognized Food Packaging team of attorneys and scientists is pleased to offer the Annual Food Packaging Law Seminar 9-10 March 2016, in Brussels, Belgium. Hailed as “extremely informative” and “the definitive packaging industry event for global food-contact materials compliance” by past attendees, this seminar is designed for regulatory, scientific, and legal professionals to keep up-to-date on global food packaging laws and regulations. Discover why Keller and Heckman’s highly-acclaimed Food Packaging Law Seminar is the industry conference.

Program highlights include:

  • Basics of EU Food Contact Law – this session will cover the Framework and GMP Regulations on food contact substances, as well as specific EU food contact legislation.
  • Basics of U.S. Food Contact Law – this session will focus on the U.S. Food and Drug Administration requirements for food contact materials; it will cover options for establishing product compliance with the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.
  • Customer Assurance Tools topics will include what constitutes a warranty, implied warranties incurred by contract and website marketing, how best to draft Declarations of Compliance.
  • Special Focus on EU and U.S. Testing Requirements – topics will include changes in the Pipeline with the forthcoming EU Testing Guidance and, in the U.S., scientific tools for establishing clearances via the "no migration" and GRAS exemptions.
  • Regulation of Food Packaging Elsewhere in the World – topics will include an overview of food-contact laws in China, Japan, India, MERCOSUR, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.
  • Hot Topics in the EU and the U.S.– topics will include developments at the Council of Europe and, in the U.S., the Food Safety Modernization Act's Foreign Supplier Verification Program Rule

Click here to view the agenda.

Yes, I would like to attend the Food Packaging Law Seminar!

Seminar Details:
Dates: March 9-10, 2016

€945 if you register by 15 February
€1,145 if you register after 15 February


Hilton Brussels Grand Place 
Carrefour de l'Europe 3
1000 Brussels, Belgium

A block of rooms has been reserved at the Hilton Brussels Grand Place at the rate €189 per night. To benefit from these special rates, reservations must be received no later than 9 February 2016. To make reservations please click here.

For additional information,  please contact:

Sara A. Woldai
Senior Marketing and Events Coordinator