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July 15, 2014 Quarterly Employment Law Aftermath

Tue, Jul 15, 2014
©2025 Keller and Heckman LLP

Offered quarterly, The Employment Law Aftermath with Manesh Rath highlights the most impactful employment law developments in the past ninety days in OSHA, labor, employment, and wage and hour law, monitoring both case law nationwide as well as federal regulatory and statutory proceedings. 

For over ten years, in-house counsel from over eighty companies have been attending -- and returning -- to the quarterly Employment Law Aftermath series. Following each live Aftermath, a web encore is provided for those outside the Washington, DC metro area.

Below are some of the topics covered during the July 15th program:

1. The Supreme Court granted cert on a request for light duty due to pregnancy;

2. The Supreme Court granted cert on compensability under the FLSA for security measures; 

3. A 6th Circuit decision on whether telecommuting is a reasonable accommodation under the ADA;

4. A critical 11th Circuit decision on whether an employer may seek waiver of FLSA class actions;

5. A 10th Circuit decision addressing the reasonableness of leave as an ADA accommodation;