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TSCA Modernization Act Hearing

On June 3, 2015, the House Energy and Commerce Committee voted unanimously, with one abstention by Representative Eshoo (D-CA), to submit the amended TSCA Modernization Act to the House of Representatives. 

During the hearing, two amendments were introduced. One bipartisan amendment offered by the bill’s sponsor, Representative Shimkus (R-IL), makes “technical” changes and was unanimously adopted. Representative Eshoo offered a second amendment to narrow the provisions on preemption of state laws.  It was said that this amendment is supported by several states’ attorney generals, and thus merits further discussion, but the Committee decided it prudent to hold off on a vote at this time. 

A few other representatives offered comments for the record. Notably, representatives from Oregon and Ohio maintained that more work needs to be done to incentivize recycling of inorganic byproducts through, e.g., partial or full exemptions from the periodic reporting requirements under the Chemical Data Reporting Rule. 

The bill, as formally introduced in the House on May 26, 2015, is attached, as well as the amendments discussed during the June 3, 2015 hearing.